J Aging Health. 2015 Dec;27(8):1375-91.
The Role of Energy Balance in Successful Aging Among Elderly Individuals: The Multinational MEDIS Study.
Tyrovolas S1, Haro JM2, Mariolis A3, Piscopo S4, Valacchi G5, Makri K6, Zeimbekis A7, Tyrovola D8, Bountziouka V8, Gotsis E8, Metallinos G8, Tur JA9, Matalas A8, Lionis C6, Polychronopoulos E8, Panagiotakos D10.
The determinants that promote living beyond life expectancy and successful aging still remain unknown. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the role of energy balance in successful aging, in a random sample of older adults living in the Mediterranean basin.
During 2005 to 2011, 2,663 older (aged 65-100 years) adults from 21 Mediterranean islands and the rural Mani region (Peloponnesus) of Greece were voluntarily enrolled in the study. Dietary habits, energy intake, expenditure, and energy balance were derived throughout standard procedures. A successful aging index (range = 0-10) was used.
After adjusting for several confounders, high energy intake (i.e., >1,700 kcal/day), b-coefficient [95% CI] = -0.21[-0.37, -0.05], as well as positive energy balance, b-coefficient [95% CI] = -0.21 [-0.37, -0.05], were inversely associated with successful aging.
A diet with excessive energy intake and a positive energy balance seems to be associated with lower quality of life, as measured through successful aging.

ClinicalTrials.gov .
Mediterranean diet; energy balance; older adults; successful aging

PMID: 25903982 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
